Scrivano Apartments (Federal Family 16-1) - These four three-story brick structured buildings, were first occupied in 1952. Scrivano has 9 one-bedroom, 52 two-bedroom and 45 three-bedroom apartments with a total of 106 units.
Year Built:1952
Street Address: Webster and Parkway Courts
Development Number 16-1
Number of Buildings: 4
Number of Units: 108
Number of Stories: 3
The Scrivano Apartments, 16-1, is a three-story, masonry construction federally-aided family development with 9 one-bedroom apartments, 52 two-bedroom apartments and 45 three-bedroom apartments, totaling 105 units.
The complex was built in 1952 as housing for returning veterans.
The Scrivano Development houses the main offices of the Authority. Also at Scrivano, a playground with water features and two play areas serves the residents.